Semi-Passive Treatment with ChitoVan Chitosan Lactate Cartridges
Dungeness Environmental was called upon to assist with passive treatment using ChitoVan Chitosan Lactate Cartridges at an Airport Safety Improvement project in Petersburg, Ak in March of 2009. The project consisted of expanding the runway to meet FAA and RSA design standards. In the process multiple culverts were replaced which required dewatering.
To reduce the sediment in the dewatering water prior to discharge ChitoVan Chitosan Lactate Cartridges were selected. The system consisted of a pump, plumbing, chitosan cartridge applicators and sediment traps.
Analysis of the turbidity results indicated significant reduction in turbidity over the course of the four week project. Samples taken after being filtered through the muskeg showed an average turbidity reduction of 96 percent.
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